We are continuing our 4 month journey following the acronym, P.A.T.H. = Passion, Attitude, Teamwork and Honour.
This week, we look at, "Beware of the Deadly Passion Poisoners"
Passion Poison 1: Familiarity
- "Familiarity breeds contempt." Let's try to think outside the box!
- Look at problems as opportunities.
Passion Poison 2: Coolness
-"Whoever walks with wise people will be wise, but whoever associates with fools with suffer" (Proverbs 13:20, GWT).
-Take the lead in demonstrating enthusiasm and energy for what we do.
-Remember, passion is contagious.
Passion Poison 3: Uncertainty
-Nothing becomes dynamic until it becomes specific
- Focus on blooming where you are planted, bringing children to the Lord and helping them to grow spiritually
Passion Poison 4: Rambling
- Consider what would be required for each goal and what interim steps will take you to completion. Then pray, pray, pray for God's leading and power to see things through.
Passion Poison 5: Hardness
- You are responsible to people, not for them. If you are a leader, some people will disagree with you. Persevere.
* these thoughts are taken from, Craig Jutila, "Leadership Essentials For Children's Ministry" Group Publishing Inc. Loveland, CO. 2002.
Youthquest exists to EQUIP the youth of Cornerstone and the Markham Community to GROW closer in their relationship with God; to MAXIMIZE their talents and potential; to SHARE their Christ-inspired lives through attractive activities and God-honouring SERVICE in Markham and beyond.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Cornerstone Youthquest basketball - Greensborough

Yesterday, we had our highest turnout ever (38 boys!). We are continuing to look at "perseverance" as our Character Matters trait of the month, "We stick to a goal and work hard even in the face of challenges. We complete all tasks and assignments."
What goals do you have? What obstacles do you have to persevere through?
I heard a quote that says, "Life is 10 percent what happens to you and 90 percent how you respond." Problems are opportunities for Progress!
Congrats to Andrew and Julian, our MVP's who both showed perseverance on and off the court.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Junior Highs
We met at the Main Connection, played guitar hero, make a 30 second commercial about life (not the cereal!) and talked about How GOD IS LIKE LIFE.
Our goals were; to understand the abstract idea of being life-giving, to catch God (as Jesus) in the act of being life-giving; to make a gutsy plan of action to be life-giving to someone this week.
Our main verses were, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies" - John 11:25 and, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" - John 14:6
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Elevate - Revolutionary Attitude
On Sunday, the junior highs continued our theme of Elevation. This week, we looked at thinking about a much better world and how we need to adapt our attitudes in order to be revolutionary.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Good Friday/Easter Sunday Events
This week we have a few events for Good Friday/Easter Sunday
Junior high - March 21st - Snack & Chat - "God is Like Life." - Main Connection - 6:30-8:30pm
Senior high - March 21st - Good Friday Youth Event - Bayview Glen Church - 300 Steeles Ave East ($12 in advance) - 4:30-9:30pm - www.edcyouth.com or ask Amanda for details.
Cornerstone's Good Friday service - 10:00 am - Friday March 21
Cornerstone's Easter Sunday service - 9:30am - Sunday March 23
Cornerstone's annual Easter Egg Hunt for kids (free!) - 11:00am - Sunday March 23
* if you are volunteering, please come at 8:00 on Sunday (buy a volunteer shirt for $5 or wear a purple shirt)
Junior high - March 21st - Snack & Chat - "God is Like Life." - Main Connection - 6:30-8:30pm
Senior high - March 21st - Good Friday Youth Event - Bayview Glen Church - 300 Steeles Ave East ($12 in advance) - 4:30-9:30pm - www.edcyouth.com or ask Amanda for details.
Cornerstone's Good Friday service - 10:00 am - Friday March 21
Cornerstone's Easter Sunday service - 9:30am - Sunday March 23
Cornerstone's annual Easter Egg Hunt for kids (free!) - 11:00am - Sunday March 23
* if you are volunteering, please come at 8:00 on Sunday (buy a volunteer shirt for $5 or wear a purple shirt)
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Markham Youth Network's 4th annual dodgeball tournament
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Elevate - Your Vision of God
From Surfer to Saviour
Hey guys, since service was cancelled today because of the weather, here's some thoughts from the lesson we would have done.
Goal: to understand the importance of our need for a Saviour.
Think about this...
What is God's attitude towards sin?
What was the purpose of Christ's sacrifice on the cross?
Are we able to pay the price for our sins?
What are the consequences of not paying the price for our sins?
Has anyone done something to you that was really wrong? How did you feel?
Read: Genesis 3:1-7
- circle the words that the serpent used to plant doubt
Read: Genesis 3:8-13
- what excuses do we make for our wrong choices?
- who made excuses in this passage?
Memory verse: "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16)
Hey guys, since service was cancelled today because of the weather, here's some thoughts from the lesson we would have done.
Goal: to understand the importance of our need for a Saviour.
Think about this...
What is God's attitude towards sin?
What was the purpose of Christ's sacrifice on the cross?
Are we able to pay the price for our sins?
What are the consequences of not paying the price for our sins?
Has anyone done something to you that was really wrong? How did you feel?
Read: Genesis 3:1-7
- circle the words that the serpent used to plant doubt
Read: Genesis 3:8-13
- what excuses do we make for our wrong choices?
- who made excuses in this passage?
Memory verse: "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16)
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Starkids - a note to leaders and volunteers
Hey guys, first of all, thanks for being the best leaders and volunteers in the world!
This month, as a team we want to focus on passion as part of our P.A.T.H. journey (P=Passion, A=Attitude, T=Teamwork, H=Honnour). These thoughts are taken from, "Leadership Essentials for Children's Ministry" by Craig Jutila. It's a great book. I highly recommend it.
"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as work for the Lord, not for men" - Colossians 3:23
This verse doesn't tell us to win; it tells us to give our best, give it our all...in all the work you're doing, do it with all of your soul-or out of breath with passion.
How will you know if you've got it?
Excitement and Energy
- nonverbal communication - when you walk into a room, the energy level should change
- passion is the edge that takes the average performer and turns them into an extra-ordinary one.
Enthusiasm and Expectancy
-We get our word enthusiasm from the Biblical Greek work entheos. En meaning within and theos meaning God. So enthusiasm means within God.
- when people are near you, because of your passion, they should just be waiting for things to happen.
- Craig Jutila, "Leadership Essentials For Children's Ministry" Group Publishing Inc. Loveland, CO. 2002.
This month, as a team we want to focus on passion as part of our P.A.T.H. journey (P=Passion, A=Attitude, T=Teamwork, H=Honnour). These thoughts are taken from, "Leadership Essentials for Children's Ministry" by Craig Jutila. It's a great book. I highly recommend it.
"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as work for the Lord, not for men" - Colossians 3:23
This verse doesn't tell us to win; it tells us to give our best, give it our all...in all the work you're doing, do it with all of your soul-or out of breath with passion.
How will you know if you've got it?
Excitement and Energy
- nonverbal communication - when you walk into a room, the energy level should change
- passion is the edge that takes the average performer and turns them into an extra-ordinary one.
Enthusiasm and Expectancy
-We get our word enthusiasm from the Biblical Greek work entheos. En meaning within and theos meaning God. So enthusiasm means within God.
- when people are near you, because of your passion, they should just be waiting for things to happen.
- Craig Jutila, "Leadership Essentials For Children's Ministry" Group Publishing Inc. Loveland, CO. 2002.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Junior highs - snack & chat
God is Like Light
Today we studied our Wild Bible Truth, "God is like light." Our theme verse was John 8:12, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."
We talked about the difference things that light does as well as seeing the light in God's character and how we can be a light. We also chose a specific light-like action to accomplish this week.
It was nice to be able to help the E-team set up pack some Easter eggs for our annual Easter Egg hunt. Let's be a light in Markham!
Today we studied our Wild Bible Truth, "God is like light." Our theme verse was John 8:12, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."
We talked about the difference things that light does as well as seeing the light in God's character and how we can be a light. We also chose a specific light-like action to accomplish this week.
It was nice to be able to help the E-team set up pack some Easter eggs for our annual Easter Egg hunt. Let's be a light in Markham!
Junior highs
Last Sunday we started a new unit in our series, "Elevate" called, "Your Vision of God; From Grandfather to God Most High." In it we looked at a million dollar word; Santification - the process of becoming like Jesus. It happens 1 degree at a time. Our memory verse was Proverbs 1:7a - The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.
We also talked about how God is BIGGER than we imagine and we were really challenged to rethink our image of God.
Tonight we are meeting (weather permitting) to discuss how God is like light, play some games and help get stuff together for the Easter Egg Hunt. We meet at TMC from 6:30-8:30pm.
We also talked about how God is BIGGER than we imagine and we were really challenged to rethink our image of God.
Tonight we are meeting (weather permitting) to discuss how God is like light, play some games and help get stuff together for the Easter Egg Hunt. We meet at TMC from 6:30-8:30pm.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Cornerstone Youthquest basketball
Greensborough basketball
We're still on for today even though there's a storm. Our Character Matters trait for the month is perseverance (coincidence? I think not!), "We stick to a goal and work hard even in the face of obstacles and challenges. We complete all tasks and assignments."
We're still on for today even though there's a storm. Our Character Matters trait for the month is perseverance (coincidence? I think not!), "We stick to a goal and work hard even in the face of obstacles and challenges. We complete all tasks and assignments."
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Youthquest's March Calendar of Events

Junior Highs
March 7th - 6:30 -8:30 - snack and chat at The Main Connection - God is like light + special Easter Egg Hunt prepration
March 13th - 6:00-8:30 - movie night - The Main Connection
March 21st - 6:30-8:30 - snack & chat - The Main Connection - God is like life
Senior Highs
March 8th - 1:00-7:00 - free youth day event at the Toronto Congress Centre http://www.youth.missionfest.org/
March 14th - 6:00-9:00 - annual senior high dogdge ball tournament - $5 - Eastridge Evangelical Missionary Church - 12485 10th Line - Stouffville
March 21st - 4:30-9:30 - Good Friday youth event - $12 in advance - Bayview Glen Church - 300 Steeles Avenue East - http://www.ecdyouth.com/
March 7th - 6:30 -8:30 - snack and chat at The Main Connection - God is like light + special Easter Egg Hunt prepration
March 13th - 6:00-8:30 - movie night - The Main Connection
March 21st - 6:30-8:30 - snack & chat - The Main Connection - God is like life
Senior Highs
March 8th - 1:00-7:00 - free youth day event at the Toronto Congress Centre http://www.youth.missionfest.org/
March 14th - 6:00-9:00 - annual senior high dogdge ball tournament - $5 - Eastridge Evangelical Missionary Church - 12485 10th Line - Stouffville
March 21st - 4:30-9:30 - Good Friday youth event - $12 in advance - Bayview Glen Church - 300 Steeles Avenue East - http://www.ecdyouth.com/
Monday, March 3, 2008
Cornerstone's youthquest blog
Hey y'all. This is the spot to get all the info you need about Cornerstone Christian Community Church's junior and senior high ministry.
Senior high (grades 9-12)
The senior high students meet every 2nd and 4th Friday from 7-9pm. We participate in a wide range of events including movie nights, annual dodgeball tournaments, Bible studies, World Vision's 30 hour famine, career fairs, sandwich runs, volunteer training and community service, the Markham Music Festival, free car washes, youth retreats and much more!
Junior high (grades 6-8)
The junior highs meet every 1st and 3rd Friday from 6:30-8:30pm. Our activities range from bowling, laser tag, mini golf, movie nights, snack & chaks (where we study the Bible), playdium and much much more. We also have a class on Sundays where we have a chance to do a little more indepth Bible study--This year our theme is, "Elevate - bringing our relationship with God to a higher level." We also study from a book called, "Wild Bible Truths." Topics include, "God is Like Light," "God is Like Life," and much more.
Greensborough Basketball
This amazing free program offers basketball for junior highs - grades 6-8 (6:15 - 7:45) and senior highs - grades 9-10 (8:00-9:30). We meet every Wednesday night during the school year. We focus on basketball skills, sportmanship adn have a short talk every week using York Region's, "Character Matters" traits; respect, responsibility, honesty, empathy, fairness, initiative, perseverance, integration, courage and optimism. Every week there is a MVP for the person who exhibits the character trait of the month both on and off the court. Greensborough Public School is located at 80 Alfred Patterson Drive.
Senior high (grades 9-12)
The senior high students meet every 2nd and 4th Friday from 7-9pm. We participate in a wide range of events including movie nights, annual dodgeball tournaments, Bible studies, World Vision's 30 hour famine, career fairs, sandwich runs, volunteer training and community service, the Markham Music Festival, free car washes, youth retreats and much more!
Junior high (grades 6-8)
The junior highs meet every 1st and 3rd Friday from 6:30-8:30pm. Our activities range from bowling, laser tag, mini golf, movie nights, snack & chaks (where we study the Bible), playdium and much much more. We also have a class on Sundays where we have a chance to do a little more indepth Bible study--This year our theme is, "Elevate - bringing our relationship with God to a higher level." We also study from a book called, "Wild Bible Truths." Topics include, "God is Like Light," "God is Like Life," and much more.
Greensborough Basketball
This amazing free program offers basketball for junior highs - grades 6-8 (6:15 - 7:45) and senior highs - grades 9-10 (8:00-9:30). We meet every Wednesday night during the school year. We focus on basketball skills, sportmanship adn have a short talk every week using York Region's, "Character Matters" traits; respect, responsibility, honesty, empathy, fairness, initiative, perseverance, integration, courage and optimism. Every week there is a MVP for the person who exhibits the character trait of the month both on and off the court. Greensborough Public School is located at 80 Alfred Patterson Drive.
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Blog Archive
- A note to Starkids leaders and volunteers - Passion
- Cornerstone Youthquest basketball - Greensborough
- Junior Highs
- Elevate - Revolutionary Attitude
- Good Friday/Easter Sunday Events
- Markham Youth Network's 4th annual dodgeball tourn...
- Elevate - Your Vision of God
- Starkids - a note to leaders and volunteers
- Junior highs - snack & chat
- Junior highs
- Cornerstone Youthquest basketball
- Youthquest's March Calendar of Events
- Cornerstone's youthquest blog