YouthQuest Basketball - Raptor's Preseason tickets (donated from Cornerstone member)
Greensborough Fun Fair - June 7th, 2012
Laser Quest - Oct. 14/11
Today we had our 1st Junior high YouthQuest Transformers meeting of the new year. We ate pizza, played some getting to know you games and did presentations on John 15:5 as well as had a "Matrix" moment.
Last night we had our final junior high youth group of the year. These were our small groups.
Friday May 13, 2011
Tonight our topic was "What's It All About?" (Basic Christianity). We played some normal games like, "People Bingo" where you had to find people to match squares on a sheet. We also played some absolutely crazy games like seeing who could finish a bottle of baby food first and who could stuff the most balloons into a pair of tights.
We ended of the night by having some small group discussion on things like:
- What is necessary to be a Christian
- What's the best reason to become a Christian
- What's something we don't understand about the Christian faith
We also read the following verses:
Matthew 6:33
Matthew 16:24
Matthew 22:37
Matthew 22:39
Romans 12:1-2
1 Corinthians 10:31
Here's a link to some of Cornerstone's beliefs, including the Apostle's Creed:
Friday April 8, 2011
Tonight our topic was "Wanting It All." This month our theme is money. Youth today are saturated by a culture that more than any other values money and possessions. Our youth feel pressure everywhere they go. It's easy to get caught in the trap of materialism. Money doesn't buy happiness. The Bible teaches the love of money is idolatry and says, "You cannot serve two masters." (Matthew 6:24). Money buys things, but not the things of God - happiness, joy, love peace - and eternal life.
We played some cool games from the 70's including Lucky $even from the Price is Right and Let's Make a Deal.
Friday March 25, 2011,
The junior highs had a 'gift card' party at yourfriendlyneighbourhoodyouthpastor's house! Over the past few weeks we collected gift cards from people and raised $385! We are donating them to a local charity (Five with Drive - They will distribute them to people in need in Markham.
The junior highs went to Laser Quest in Richmond Hill. It was a great night hanging out and having fun.
The senior highs are reading a book called "Crazy Love." by Francis Chan. This week, our assignment is to read chapter 1. For the video intro, check the link
Our junior highs explored the topic, "Show Me Love." We looked at love from God's perspective and were challenged on how we love others. Our key verses were 1 John 4:7-12 and 1 Corinthians 13:1-13.
There are different ideas about love among teens. Some think it's a kind of gushy, sentimental emotion you have toward someone. Others think it's a physical act, as implied or shown on T.V. and in movies. A few have heard that it's an action, not an emotion. Our culture and media is saturated with different ideas of love, many of which are untrue and unhealthy. We played some classic games, (Honey if you love me, please smile) and some new ones, (Left, center, right).
Last night the junior highs had our 1st ever "Parents Night Out." We offered free babysitting for schoolaged children so that parents could have a date night (or relax night). We played some games (we even had one of the children lead us in a game), watched some cartoon videos from the makers of Veggie Tales) and had some snack time as well.
Thanks Junior Highs for giving up your fun night to serve!
Junior high students spend most their time in school. Some like it, some don't. But most fall somewhere in between. School is a crucial learning time - socially, academically, emotionally and physically. Education is so much more than just math, science, language, or whatever subjects! By going to school, youth learn discipline (by going to school every day); self respect and a sense of identity (by following through on assignments), work ethics (by working hard on projects), social skills (by interacting with their peers and teachers); and responsibility to God and others. We talked about how we can take our faith to school and how Christianity isn't just a Sunday activity (Junior High-Middle School TalkSheets - David Lynn).