Getting Along When We're All Different
Do your children and spouse all have the same temperament as you? Do you understand each person in your family perfectly? Do you get along in the same way with each person? Of course not. Everyone in your family is wired with a unique personality. Some are more easygoing while others are more rigid; some are more outgoing while other are more shy; some are more messy while others are, well, you get the idea...
While these differences can often be a source of frustration and stress, they can also be an opportunity to grow stronger as a family. Using key diagnostic tools, this seminar helps you get in touch with how each person in your family is wired. Learn how to champion strengths, complement weaknesses and communicate differences in your family!
Guest Speaker: Laird Crump from Focus on the Family
Date: Saturday May 31st, 2008
Time: 2-4pm
Place: Markham Village Train Station
214 Main Street North (south west of 16th Ave. on Markham Main St.)
Cost: $5 per person