Yesterday we started our new curriculum (XP3). We started a series entitled, "The Christmas Story."
We talked about puzzles and how the goal of a puzzle is for the end result to look like the picture on the box. Without the box, everything becomes complicated and difficult.
We all have a picture of what we want our lives to look like. One day we will look back and see the pictures of what we constructed with our lives.
Because of fear, we hold on to the pieces of our life puzzle and hope that no one will ruin our picture.
To many people, Jesus was a piece of the puzzle that didn't seem to fit.
Our main Bible passage was Matthew chapter 2. We studied Herod. God's picture of the puzzle was different from the picture Herod had been constructing.
Following Jesus costs something.
Following Jesus can sometimes be threatening. What is threatened in your life by Jesus?
Following Jesus will cost you something. Not following Jesus will cost you everything.
What puzzle pieces do you need to let go?
Parent Cue: What are some events in your life that turned out differently than you hoped? Looking back, did things work out better than you expected at the time?