- Good Samaritan – Luke 10:25-37
- Good shepherd – John 10:1-18
- Labourers in the Vineyard – Matthew 20:1-16
- Lost coin – Luke 15:8-10
- Lost sheep – Luke 15:4-7
- Prodigal son – Luke 15:11-32
- Ten minas – Luke 19:11-27
- The sower – Luke 8:4-15
· Why do you think Jesus taught this parable?
· Who was the main audience in the Bible for this parable?
· Why do you think Jesus chose storytelling to get His teachings heard?
· Does this parable apply today? How?
· How would you re-tell this parable to your friends at school? Would you change the setting and story?
Write a parable of your own. Choose a lesson or a promise from the Bible and write a story that will illustrate the main points. Try telling it to a friend this week. Bring it to church next Sunday and hand it to yourfriendlyneighbourhoodyouthpastor for a chance to win a prize!