How to study the Bible
1. Look for purpose - God's plan for salvation
2. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you
3. Read attentively (the Bible can be read from Genesis to Revelation in 80 hours)
4. Make a reading plan - do you want to read through the Bible? Leave 80 hours for it. Schedule that time. How much time can you give each day? How many days a week?
5. Appreciate the Bible's uniqueness - The Old Testament is the foundation; The New Testament is the superstructure. A foundation is of no value unless a building is built upon it. A building is impossible unless there is a foundation. So the Old Testament and New Testament are essential to each other.
One Book, One History, One Story
- The Bible is one book, and you cannot take it in texts and expect to comprehend the magnificence of divine revelation. You must see it in completeness.
- Each book has a message, and we should endeavour to discover what that message is.
- In one sense, we should treat the Bible as we treat any other book. When we get a book from the library we would never treat it as we do the Bible. We would never think of reading just a paragraph, taking some ten minutes, reading a little at night and then reading a little in the morning, and so spending weeks, perhaps months, in reading through the book. No interest could be maintained in any story by such a procedure.
Christ, the Living Word
- The Old Testament is an account of a nation (The Jewish nation)
- The New Testament is an account of a Man (Jesus)
- Christ lived the most perfect life ever known... Then He died... Then He rose from the dead. he is alive today. He is not merely a historical character, but a living Person - the most important fact of history and the most vital force in the world today. And He promises eternal life to all who come to Him.
* taken from "What the Bible is all About - Bible Handbook by Dr. Henrietta C. Mears.
"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the [person] of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work" - 2 Timothy 3:16-17