Cornerstone had the privilege of visiting
Bluefields, Nicaragua. We had a team of 11. 9 people went for 10 days during March Break. We did things like run a 3 day after school program for students at the
Verbo Christian school (lessons on prayer, provided lunch and crafts and sports). We also did construction at the school, painting at the
Verbo church and participated in the Sunday worship service (including doing the music section, providing and serving lunch and a Spanish sermon!) We took a group of special needs students out for pizza and brought funds to build a playground at the school, and hire locals to carry on construction at the school. We visited a maternity house for young, pregnant women, had prayer walks and visitation and much more.
We also had 2 members visit Bluefields the week before to do some long term planning including meeting up with locals to investigate micro-financing for small businesses and networking with different companies and such in an effort to facilitate self-sufficiency and long-term sustainability. As this is Cornerstone's 6th time to Nicaragua, we are looking for ways to join God in what He is already doing and to really make a difference in this beautiful country.