· Today we talked about what the Fruit of the Spirit are, and how with the Holy Spirit in our lives, we should be displaying these qualities in our lives
Our main verses were Galatians 5:16-26. Here are some of the questions we looked at:
· What does the Bible mean when it talks about us having a “sinful nature?”
· What does our sinful nature want?
· Who is the Holy Spirit?
· What about those who don’t live by the Spirit?
· Why is the sinful man hostile towards God?
Here were some take home questions:
· How do we recognize the Holy Spirit’s work in our lives?
· What can you do this week to display these qualities in your life?
· How does the Holy Spirit help us to have these qualities in our lives?
And here was our challenge:
- Check out Romans 8:5-8 and Romans 8:9-11 and read what these passages say about living by the Spirit. Let these passages be an encouragement to you this week.