Thursday, March 27, 2008

A note to Starkids leaders and volunteers - Passion

We are continuing our 4 month journey following the acronym, P.A.T.H. = Passion, Attitude, Teamwork and Honour.

This week, we look at, "Beware of the Deadly Passion Poisoners"

Passion Poison 1: Familiarity
- "Familiarity breeds contempt." Let's try to think outside the box!
- Look at problems as opportunities.

Passion Poison 2: Coolness
-"Whoever walks with wise people will be wise, but whoever associates with fools with suffer" (Proverbs 13:20, GWT).
-Take the lead in demonstrating enthusiasm and energy for what we do.
-Remember, passion is contagious.

Passion Poison 3: Uncertainty
-Nothing becomes dynamic until it becomes specific
- Focus on blooming where you are planted, bringing children to the Lord and helping them to grow spiritually

Passion Poison 4: Rambling
- Consider what would be required for each goal and what interim steps will take you to completion. Then pray, pray, pray for God's leading and power to see things through.

Passion Poison 5: Hardness
- You are responsible to people, not for them. If you are a leader, some people will disagree with you. Persevere.

* these thoughts are taken from, Craig Jutila, "Leadership Essentials For Children's Ministry" Group Publishing Inc. Loveland, CO. 2002.

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