Saturday, June 14, 2008


Honour - Be accountable to One Another!

During World War II, a plant of parachute packers achieved extreme notoriety. The reason was that their parachutes only opened nineteen out of twenty times! That's an average of 95 percent, and that's a great percentage if you're taking a test in school, or shooting free throws in the NBA. But when you're jumping out of a plane, that's just not good enough. So the manager of the plant devised a strategy to increase reliability. He required the packers to first test the parachute themselves. It wasn't long before quality rose to 100 percent. That's the principle of accountability at work-taking personal responsibility for the successful functioning of the team.

Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honour one another above yourselves - Romans 12:10
* taken from: Craig Jutila, "Leadership Essentials For Children's Ministry" Group Publishing Inc. Loveland, CO. 2002.

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