Wednesday, February 24, 2010


We were back to our regular program after our all-star week last week. Congrats to our MVP's who displayed initiative (our Character Matters trait) of the month all night. Next week our program will be cancelled but we'll resume on the 10th.

Monday, February 22, 2010


Maybe the biggest single barrier to deep connectedness for most of us is simply the pace of our lives. The requirement for true intimacy is chunks of unhurried time. - John Ortberg



Yesterday we talked about money. We talked about how God is the source of all we have. He has given us so much to be thankful for, and He is counting on us to take what He has given and use it wisely. In this lesson, we focused on managing our money and being good stewards of what God gives us.

Our main reading was 2 Corinthians 9:7-8, "Each man should what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all you need, you will abound in every good work.

Here's what we studied

Spend it

· How much money (allowance) do you receive each week?

· What types of things do you spend your money on?

· Is it OK to spend money on ‘stuff’?

· Have you ever spent your money on someone else?

· How do you manage the money you spend?

- Get a container and write, "Spend it" on it. Then write, "It's okay to enjoy what God has given me" on it.

Save it

· Why is it important to save some of our money?

· Is saving money a ‘strength’ or a ‘weakness’ for you?

· What is something that you could save your money for?

· Do you think you would be willing to save 10 percent of your money for future things?

- Get a container and write "Save it" on it. Then write, "Put something aside for what's to come" on it.

Give it back to God

Read Deuteronomy 14:22-23

· What is a ‘tithe?’

· Can we give more than 10%?

· By giving, what do we communicate to God?

· Is there a difference between our ‘tithe’ and an ‘offering?’

- God has called us to give 10% of what we receive. Your tithe is what you give back to the church (the place where you worship God). However, your offering is what you give above and beyond your 10% (example – sponsoring a child, helping missionaries, homeless, etc.) The purpose of giving is not to see something in return, but to demonstrate obedience, trust and to love for God.

- Read Matthew 25:14-30

· What happened o the man who was given five talents?

· What happened to the man who was given two talents?

· What happened to the man who was given one talent?

· What is the point of this parable? What is Jesus trying to communicate?

- If you can trust God with a little, He will trust you with much

- Also a key point – you have to try – don’t bury your talents because of fear

· What should we give back to God?

· When should we give back to God?

· Why should we give back to God?

· Would you be willing to try to TITHE each week?

- Get a container write "Give it back to God" on it. Add “Deuteronomy 14:22-23 and 2 Corinthians 9:7-8” on the ‘give it back to God’ label

- Remember, you can’t out-give God (Malachi 3:10 – we can actually test God with regards to money. Mark 12:41-44 – God doesn’t want our money, he wants our heart – how we spend our money reveals a great deal about our heart. Trusting him with your money now and forming good habits helps you to give more cheerfully and willingly as you get older.


· Is there anything in your life that is keeping you from trusting God with all that you have?

· How can your leader or a good friend keep you accountable in this area?


- Using your allowance or other earnings:

1. Place 10% in “give it back to God” container

2. Place 10% in the ‘save it’ container

3. Place the remainder of the money in the ‘spend it’ container.

* Taken from Active Bible Studies


This past Friday we looked at Quest #4, "Here Comes Trouble!" We watched some tough scenes on world poverty, wars and stuff and talked about the thing that we have done that have gotten us into trouble as well as whether or not we thought the world is getting better or worse. We talked about sin and hell and our plan (if we have one) of avoiding hell. Our session is March 5 and is entitled, "Something For Nothing."

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


This past Sunday our topic was, "Armour of God." While most of us may not spend time in the military, we talked about the importance of defensive armour and offensive weapons in our spiritual lives. Our Main passage was Ephesians 6:10-20.

· What areas of the armour do you need to better understand?

· How can the “armour” be real in your life?

· Do you think that if you were faced with opposition you could stand firm?

· Why do you think it is important for you to know and understand these six pieces of our faith?

* Taken from Active Bible Lessons

Sunday, February 14, 2010



On Friday we looked at our part 6 of our series entitled, "How Does Believing in God Affect My Financial World?"

We talked about the "" days where in a generation we went from devoting ourselves to one company for 30 years in hopes to being promoted to senior management to hoping one lucky stock investment would make us rich. We talked about Shawn Fanning, who became a multimillionaire of 19 by inventing Napster. Then we talked about how in an instant, it all collapsed in an economic crash (100, 000 jobs vanished from the Internet economy since December 1999 and 435 Internet based companies folded (since 2001).

The main passage we looked at from the Bible was Mark 12:41-44
The Widow's Offering

41Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. 42But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a fraction of a penny.43Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. 44They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on."


Jesus believed that the way we spend our money reveals a great deal about our heart - it is like a living biography of our lives. He believed this was true for committed Christ-followers, and it was true for those who did not follow God. But contrary to what many believe, God does not want your money-God wants your heart. When the heart connection is there, we carry that connection right into our financial world

How do you respond?

Self Reflection

1. How does the fact that God does not want my money but my heart affect my understanding of God?

2. What does the way I view my money say about the condition of my heart?

3. What do I want it to say?

4. How can I begin moving in that direction?

* Taken from "Following After God - What differences does God make?" - Daniel Hill.

Friday, February 12, 2010


Ironically, we tend to devote massive amounts of time to making money, running errands, and succeeding at our jobs, but we neglect giving our most valuable possession - time - the experience for which we were created: community - John Ortberg

Monday, February 8, 2010


· It is so important for students to begin the habit of spending time with God daily. Yesterday's lesson was designed to expose us to what spending time with God each day could look like. It was an opportunity for students to experience a variety of practical ways to worship God on their own.

We broke it down into 5 experiences:

1. The Word - Romans 12:1-2/Mark 12:30

· What or what has the biggest influence on your life?
· Do you feel like the “world” or your culture shapes most of your thoughts, or does God shape most of your thoughts?
· How often do you connect with God now?
· What does that connection time look like?
· Are there any obstacles in your life that keep you from connecting with God?

2. Listen to a song (example, How Great is Our God or How Great Thou Art)

· What did you hear?
· How did this song make you feel?
· What point was the artist trying to communicate?
· What did this song make you think about?
· Is there a passage in the Bible that is associated with this song?

3. Be silent and listen to God for 2 minutes

· Does complete silence make you uncomfortable?
· How often to you come before the Lord in silence?
· How can silence on your part be a good thing your relationship with God?

4. Spend 5 minutes with God

Read the Lord’s prayer – Matthew 6
a. Pray for one minute – thank God for who He is and what He has done for you
b. Pray for one minute – confess any sin in your life; lay it down before God
c. Pray for one minute – ask God for what you need
d. Pray for one minute – bring requests before God on behalf of others in your life
e. Pray for one minute – surrender to God and His will for you
Activity follow up questions
· Did the 5 minutes go by fast?
· How often do you spend a focused time of prayer with God?
· Do you think you could try to pray for 5 minutes each day?

5. Read and study a passage from the Bible (example, Philippians 2:5-11)

· Highlight or underline key words
· Who are the main characters?
· Where does this take place?
· Highlight or underline a key word or phrase
· Are there any terms you don’t understand?
· Does this verse speak to you?
· Does it have any relevance for your life right now?
· Stop and reflect on this passage for one minute
Activity follow up questions
· How often do you read and study God’s Word?
· Do you have a particular study method you use?
· Did the questions above help you understand this passage better?

6. Draw a picture or pictures while listening to the Bible (example of passage Psalm 100)

· What did you draw?
· What did this passage/song make you think about?

· Why is it important to connect with God as often as possible?
· Do you think God wants to connect with you?
· What do you think is the result of connecting with God each day?
· Do you feel closer to God after today’s activity?

Take Home Challenge:

· Can you make a commitment to try to connect once a day with God?
· Fill out the six-day commitment on your student sheet and fill in what you are going to try to do this week to connect with God
* Taken from Active Bible Studies


Every time you forgive someone who hurt you, encourage someone who feels defeated, extend compassion to someone who stands alone, confront someone in love, open your heart to a friend, reconcile with an enemy, devote time to a child, you align yourself with God's central purpose in this world - John Ortberg

Friday, February 5, 2010


Tonight at YouthQuest we had a prayer time for our church and the potential building project in lieu of our land purchase. We also prayed for the community and for our families and those who were hurting.

We then watch session # 3 of Quest - Superstar. The focus was on Jesus.
Here are the questions we looked at:
1. When was your closest brush with fame?
2. If you could meet anyone in the world, who would it be? Why?
3. In your opinion who do you think Jesus is?
4. If Jesus is God, then why doesn't everyone follow him?
5. What difference does it make if Jesus is really God or not? What should it matter what you believe?

"I have come that you may have life to the full" (John 10:10b)
- In this one sentence, Jesus defined his purpose in life. Was that a wasted purpose?
6. Who's right about who Jesus is? Is there any way to know anything for sure?
7. How can people believe in someone they can't see... or in a book written over 2000 years ago?

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Tonight we started a new Character Matter's Trait for February - Initiative - We act without being prompted by others. We are eager to do what needs to be done without having to be told to do it. We take the first step towards the achievement of a goal. Congrats to our MVP's of the night. Remember, no basketball next week. The week after (17th. Will be our all-star week).

Monday, February 1, 2010


Get Below The Surface

Yesterday we looked at Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up! Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.
It gave us a chance as a class to get to know each other on a deeper level. Each person had to answer the following 4 questions:
- bring one item that represents your personality
- bring one item that tells us what your family is like
- bring one item that describes your favourite thing to do
- bring one item that represents your relationship with God/your spiritual life.

The answers shared were very insightful. Here are a few anonymous ones:
One item that represents your relationship with God/your spiritual life:
- "a watch - time is important"
- "a sweater - keeps me protected and warm"
- "Batman and Robin - a protector and father figure"
- "a cell phone - can talk to God any time"
- "a Bible - read it when I'm bored"
- "books and movies - I can apply God to real life"
- "a seed - it's growing
- "electricity - with God we couldn't run"
- "a cross - God is always with me"
- "onion - many layers, deep, everlasting"

Take Home Challenge:
- What is one way this week that you could encourage or support another student in this group?
I am going to commit to encouraging _____________________ by _________________


No merely human circle of life is truly sufficient. Every circle requires another larger circle to support it. The well-being of families depends in part on schools and neighbourhoods and workplaces and cities and nations and economies - John Ortberg


On Friday we watched part 2 of our Quest series. It looked at whether or not the church had an image problem because many people (inside and outside the church) view church as boring while Jesus lived the most exciting life ever as do His followers.

Here were the discussion questions:
1. What's the most exciting or freakiest thing that you've ever done?
2. What's your image of "Church?"
3. What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Christians?
Have you ever come across anyone who actually lived a lifestyle like Jesus did? If someone where to live like him today, what do you think they would be like?
Who or what has been most significant in shaping your spiritual beliefs?

* Taken from Quest - speak your mind, they did.

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