Spend it
· How much money (allowance) do you receive each week?
· What types of things do you spend your money on?
· Is it OK to spend money on ‘stuff’?
· Have you ever spent your money on someone else?
· How do you manage the money you spend?
- Get a container and write, "Spend it" on it. Then write, "It's okay to enjoy what God has given me" on it.
Save it
· Why is it important to save some of our money?
· Is saving money a ‘strength’ or a ‘weakness’ for you?
· What is something that you could save your money for?
· Do you think you would be willing to save 10 percent of your money for future things?
- Get a container and write "Save it" on it. Then write, "Put something aside for what's to come" on it.
Give it back to God
Read Deuteronomy 14:22-23
· What is a ‘tithe?’
· Can we give more than 10%?
· By giving, what do we communicate to God?
· Is there a difference between our ‘tithe’ and an ‘offering?’
- God has called us to give 10% of what we receive. Your tithe is what you give back to the church (the place where you worship God). However, your offering is what you give above and beyond your 10% (example – sponsoring a child, helping missionaries, homeless, etc.) The purpose of giving is not to see something in return, but to demonstrate obedience, trust and to love for God.
- Read Matthew 25:14-30
· What happened o the man who was given five talents?
· What happened to the man who was given two talents?
· What happened to the man who was given one talent?
· What is the point of this parable? What is Jesus trying to communicate?
- If you can trust God with a little, He will trust you with much
- Also a key point – you have to try – don’t bury your talents because of fear
· What should we give back to God?
· When should we give back to God?
· Why should we give back to God?
· Would you be willing to try to TITHE each week?
- Get a container write "Give it back to God" on it. Add “Deuteronomy 14:22-23 and 2 Corinthians 9:7-8” on the ‘give it back to God’ label
- Remember, you can’t out-give God (Malachi 3:10 – we can actually test God with regards to money. Mark 12:41-44 – God doesn’t want our money, he wants our heart – how we spend our money reveals a great deal about our heart. Trusting him with your money now and forming good habits helps you to give more cheerfully and willingly as you get older.
· Is there anything in your life that is keeping you from trusting God with all that you have?
· How can your leader or a good friend keep you accountable in this area?
- Using your allowance or other earnings:
1. Place 10% in “give it back to God” container
2. Place 10% in the ‘save it’ container
3. Place the remainder of the money in the ‘spend it’ container.
* Taken from Active Bible Studies