Stories of the unlikely inspire us. Stories about unlikely people—people you wouldn’t expect—doing big things feel almost mythic, like a great screenplay or book. When it comes to following God, we hear about people who are used by God—people who see God work in their lives in amazing ways. He doesn’t just invite “the beautiful and the strong” to participate with Him in the work He is doing.
He invites all of us, even those of us who see ourselves as a little less than beautiful and far from strong.
Most of us don’t feel likely to be used by God. God won’t just fit you in to the mold of who you think an influential person is.
But here is the good news: He doesn’t have to fit you in that mold in order to make you influential.
The Bible is full of examples of people used by God to do great things—people who came to realize their potential as an unlikely person God had His hand on.
Rahab (Joshua 2)
Gideon - “The Lord is with you, mighty warrior” (Judges 6:12 NIV)
That was the common theme in every single one of those stories. It wasn’t their appearance, athleticism, popularity, family or talent that made them stand out.
It was their willingness.
When it comes to being used by God, He is not limited by our fears or our failures.
He wants us to be a part of what He’s doing in people’s lives, in our world and in everyday moments.
For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do (Ephesians 2:10 NIV).
Even though you may feel insignificant, unimportant or unworthy, God says you are valuable. Masterpieces don’t just have to be associated with art. God sees masterpieces in the making. He takes people that they world considers unlikely and uses them for His purposes. God is in the business of making masterpieces out of the most broken people—as well as those of us who may not feel as broken but feel just plain ordinary, purposeless and directionless. The good news is that God looks at you and sees His masterpiece. Even if you have a broken past, broken relationships or broken confidence, God sees beautiful art.
You were created by God. He says you’re likely.
Bottom Line: God’s not attracted to your abilities—or distracted by your inabilities.