Saturday, September 17, 2011

Last night (Friday September 16th), we had a parent's info night at The Main Connection. We talked about our plans for the year, got to know each other better and heard an encouraging podcast from our series, "The Good Fight."

Some key points from the podcast (by Reggie Joiner)
When your children move into the teenage years, you move into a new stage... the "very worried stage."
They (your children) are transitioning from dependence to independence.
You are transitioning from authority to influence.

Myth #1 They don't want to spend time with me
Myth #2 When we spend time together it doesn't make a difference
Myth #3 I need to spend priority time with my son/daughter so we can have teachable moments

The purpose of priority time is to make sure your son or daughter knows they are a priority. Be an active participant in their lives. Look for opportunities to show them they are a priority, like texting them or praying for them when they have a big test.

Rules about priority time:
1. Find common ground
2. Make sure there is no agenda
3. Keep it outide your home
4. Do it without friends (neither yours or theirs)
5. Put it on the schedule (not on a Friday)
6. Stay flexible (reschedule if you need to)
7. Remember your goal is not to CHANGE them
8. Keep working on it (even when it doesn't seem to go well)
9. Use it as an opportunity to give your teenager one thing - THE GIFT OF APPROVAL

Every person's heart gravitates to the place where it is most accepted. It's just the nature of the heart. Your approval is the thing they will always remember. They need your unconditional support.

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