Wednesday, September 19, 2012


This past Sunday our topic was, "God Builds A Nation." Our main passages of Scripture included Genesis 12-13; 15-17; 21-22; 32-33; 35, Romans 4 and Hebrews 11. We cover alot of ground in these classes so make sure you do your homework!

This week's homework:
Pick ONE of the following questions and create a response: (Questions are also on your handout if you were in class)
1. Which character in this story are you most like? How?
2. If you had to "wrestle" with God over something, what would it be? (Maybe it's a fear of something? A frustration in your life? An injustice in the world?)

Create a sketch, collage, poem, prayer, journal entry, song, or whatever you can come up with!
* Remember to bring your green duotangs each week 
** If you haven't returned your registration forms, please get your parents to fill them out and bring them back this Sunday