Last night we got back to our Kingdom Experiment. We were focusing on chapters 5 and 6
Chapter 5 - Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.
Chapter 6 - Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.
We watched a video called, "The Story of God." It's a summary of the entire Bible through spoken word.
We also read and talked about the Apostles Creed and did a group building activity - the students had to pretend they had just crashed in an airplane in Northern Canada. Given 12 items, they had to rank them in order of importance (individually and then as a group).
We ended our time by watching a very inspirational video about Nick Vijicic - a motivational speaker born without any limbs.
Youthquest exists to EQUIP the youth of Cornerstone and the Markham Community to GROW closer in their relationship with God; to MAXIMIZE their talents and potential; to SHARE their Christ-inspired lives through attractive activities and God-honouring SERVICE in Markham and beyond.