Sunday, March 11, 2012


Today we looked at Mark 3:7-19 - "The Call"

Is bigger better?
These days it's easy to think bigger is better. Yet Jesus seems to go against this way of thinking by selecting only a few people in whom to uniquely and strategically invest. Now, here we are more than 2, 000 years later, and large numbers of Christ-followers can be found around the world as a result of Jesus' small group strategy. His small group made a big impact.

The primary reason Jesus called them was not to do something, but to be something. He called them - and calls us today - first to be with him. Jesus models for us that who we are is more important than what we do; that our doing mus flow out of our being. Jesus calls us to be both/and, not either/or.

Somethings to think about:
There were twelve tribes in Israel - Jesus choses twelve disciples. Hmmm....
Peter was renamed "Rock" by Jesus. At first, Peter seems to be anything but a rock, but Jesus seems to see the potential in it.
How did Simon the Zealot respond when he first met Matthew - who used to work for the Roman government?

Jesus took a rag-tag group of individuals and used them to change the world!!!

We also continued to get to know each other by answering two questions about each other:
1. One thing I really like about you is...
2. A question I've always wanted to ask you is...

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