Saturday, April 12, 2008


As we continue our P.A.T.H. (Passion, Attitude, Teamwork and Honour), for April, we focus on attitude.

Ready to "Fly High" in Ministry?

- We must refuse to focus on the circumstances around us

Adjust your flaps

1. Look up - keep your focus on what God is doing in the kingdom

2. Slow down - we all make better choices when we pause for a moment

3. Reach out - focus on helping others reach their potential

- the attitude you use is the attitude you choose

- the way you think about a situation before you enter it will greatly affect its outcome

- remember, other people don't create your spirit, they only reveal it

Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus - Philippians 2:5
Craig Jutila, "Leadership Essentials For Children's Ministry" Group Publishing Inc. Loveland, CO. 2002.

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