Continuing on our P.A.T.H., this month we are looking at, "ATTITUDE"
Here are some thoughts.
Nose Down, or Nose up?
Our attitude will determine our altitude. How high will you go in life? Check your attitude. What heights will your ministry reach? Check your attitude. What personal mountaintops will you conquer? Check your attitude.
What Causes "Attitude Slippage?"
-have you ever taken a hit to your self-esteem?
How do you see yourself? How does God see you?
"Comparison is the root of all inferiority"
Read Genesis 1:27 and 1 Peter 1:18b-19
Locking Up
- some of us are so afraid to fail that we never get into the cockpit.
- we need a "flight director" - God's Word
Flaming Out
- your attitude and performance could actually improve if you just reduced your speed!
Read Psalm 127:2
- take some time to renew, refresh and rejuvenate.
- when is the last time you went on vacation, and were totally "plugged out"
Circling, Circling, Circling...
-Life is difficult. If we refuse to accept that most basic, all-encompassing truth about existence, our attitudes will nose-dive.
Read James 1:2-4
Bad Weather
- when conflict goes unresolved, our attitudes head straight downhill.
- our attitudes are like oil...
1. You have to constantly check it
2. It reduces friction in your life
3. It needs to be changed regularly
Craig Jutila, "Leadership Essentials For Children's Ministry" Group Publishing Inc. Loveland, CO. 2002.