Monday, January 18, 2010


Yesterday we looked at our image of Jesus in a lesson called, "Picture Perfect." We studied His character, pictures of the way He loves and who He wants to be in our lives. Our main verse was John 14:6 - Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

Here were some other verses we looked at: Matthew 11:19 (friend), Matthew 12:18 (servant), John 1:1 (Word), John 1:29 (Lamb of God), John 4:42 (Saviour), John 6:35 (bread of life), John 8:12 (light of the world), John 10:9 (the door), John 10:11 (good shepherd), John 14:6, (way, truth, life), John 15:1 (the true vine), Isaiah 9:6 (wonderful counselor, prince of peace).

God's word is full of pictures that illustrate who Jesus Christ is and who He wants to be in our lives.

How does this apply?
1. How do these word pictures make you feel about who Jesus wants to be your life?

Take Home challenge
1. Are there other pictures of Jesus in the Bible? Over the next week read your Bible and try to discover new pictures of Jesus that we did not talk about in class.

Next Sunday we'll be looking at various parables from Jesus

*Taken from Active Bible Studies

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