Sunday, January 24, 2010


Today we look at the parables of Jesus. Our goal is to expose ourselves to Jesus’ storytelling technique as well as to learn the ways that Jesus used parables to illustrate God’s Word and put things into the terms of the people He was trying to reach. We define parable simply as an earthly story with a heavenly meaning. The parables we look at include:
- Good Samaritan – Luke 10:25-37
- Good shepherd – John 10:1-18
- Labourers in the Vineyard – Matthew 20:1-16
- Lost coin – Luke 15:8-10
- Lost sheep – Luke 15:4-7
- Prodigal son – Luke 15:11-32
- Ten minas – Luke 19:11-27
- The sower – Luke 8:4-15

· Why do you think Jesus taught this parable?
· Who was the main audience in the Bible for this parable?
· Why do you think Jesus chose storytelling to get His teachings heard?
· Does this parable apply today? How?
· How would you re-tell this parable to your friends at school? Would you change the setting and story?

Write a parable of your own. Choose a lesson or a promise from the Bible and write a story that will illustrate the main points. Try telling it to a friend this week. Bring it to church next Sunday and hand it to yourfriendlyneighbourhoodyouthpastor for a chance to win a prize!

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