Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Wednesday, December 17 Read Matthew 2:19-21

Herod died.

Kings and kingdoms will all pass away, but there’s something about the name of Jesus. In God’s scheme of things, He provided a way of escape for His Son on more than one occasion. This was because God’s plan was greater than man’s, and greater than Satan’s. His plan for your life is greater than anythings else too.

At times, we do not understand what God is doing. We question the difficulties we face wondering why things don’t always go our way. I’m sure that Joseph wondered at the logic of closing down his carpenter’s shop in his hometown to pack everything up and head for Egypt. Yet it was a part of God’s plan.
Pray for the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions ( If you have not given yet, consider doing so this week.

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