Thursday, December 4, 2008


Read Joel 2:28-29

I will pour out My Spirit on all humanity

Here's yet another promise kept by God. He keeps His promises to us because He is faithful and true. As you experience this time of remembering God's promises, allow His Spirit to search your heart. Be faithful to deal with everything the Holy Spirit brings to the light. Following times of confession, we often emerge from our prayer closets with a stronger conviction that God can be counted on to work out His plan for our lives.
Pray for your church today in a very special way. Remember those who serve in leadership positions in your church. Remember the ministries of your church and the people those ministries are seeking to reach. Ask God to allow your church to be sensitive to His already poured our Spirit. Pray for spiritual renewal!
Spend time in your private worship today by asking God to show you how to become more sensitive to the work of the Holy Spirit in your life.

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