Monday, May 14, 2012


Yesterday we looked at Mark 11:12-26
Topic: That makes me mad!

We talked about what it means to possess righteous anger for injustice in our world. We talked abut ways to show compassion to others in our community. We asked ourselves, "am I angry enough about injustice?"

The community around us has real needs and issues that need to be addressed. As Christians we are called to actively respond to the needs of people. When we hear about injustice in the world, we should feel angry. Anger is okay when it is for the right reasons. Are you angry enough? Anger can incite change if it's built on God's compassion and our desire to end injustice. If our anger has not sparked change in us, if it has not helped us see God's compassion and work to heal the world, then we are not angry enough. Anger doesn't always have to be destructive; it can point people to a desperate need for change. We should be angry that people are suffering in the world, and we should allow our anger to keep us proactively seeking God's justice through prayer and faith.

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