Friday, May 18, 2012


Tonight we continued our passion from the 30 hour famine by watching a video about a group of people who went to Africa and didn't eat for 5 days to identify with the average family in a rural area.

We played some games and then continued our series, "I Am - Getting to Know God" - Part 2 (When Bad Things Happen).
How can I have a relationship with a God who is invisible?

How can God love me when I've done so much wrong? How do I know God is speaking to me? How can a God of love allow bad things to happen? We talked about these difficult questions.

Our worksheet had us coming up with personal "statements of faith"
We used those statements of faith to talk about how it would impact how we act:
... when we see someone in need
... when a tragedy happens
... when we face temptation
... when people mistreat me

Our main text was Luke 9:23-26

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