Monday, May 14, 2012


On Friday, we spent some time reminding ourselves about the facts of World Hunger. Our group just raised over $2300 for World Vision's 30 hour famine, so we want to keep it fresh in our minds. Every night, 925 million people go to bed hungry. That's roughly three times the population of America. These aren't just numbers though, they are people. What if this was our best friend, our brother, our sister... what would we do to help them? This was one of the discussions that we had.

We also prayed for Bradley since it was his birthday and played some more student led games. We ended our time by doing a short study called, "Looking for God" (Pt. 1). We looked at passages including:

Exodus 18:5-26
Judges 6
1 Samuel 3

We learned that there are many ways God speaks to us - through dreams, prayers, others people, circumstances...
We were challenged to make space for him to speak to us and step our game up in terms of reading the Bible.

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