Friday, May 25, 2012


Tonight we watched a video about a group of people from World Vision who spent 5 days living with a family in Africa and eating as they did (basically 5 days without food). It reminded us to be thankful for what we have but not selfish with what we have. We have an opportunity to change the world!

 Next, we watched Chris Tomlin's, "How Great is our God" - World Edition.

We played some games (Zoom)

We had recess and ate some doughnuts (they were pretty crusty looking)

We had a getting to know you activity.

We ended our time by doing a "Living By Faith" exercise:
Come up with 3 or 4 personal "statements of faith." These might be things you believe about God, about Jesus, about yourself, or about life in general.


Of course faith isn't just about what you believe. It's who you're trusting in. Do some thinking about how your faith will impact your life.

Because of my faith, here's how I will act...
... when I see someone in need:

... when tragedy happens:

... when I face temptations

... when people mistreat me.

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